Monday, March 31, 2014

It’s time for…. CAMP NANOWRIMO 2014!

Participant 2014 - Facebook Cover

I will be participating in Camp this year and I have a real goal: this April, I will finish my second round of edits for my NaNoWriMo 2012 Novel and hope to get it out to my Beta readers very soon.

I can’t believe how close I am to finishing my novel!

And I cannot believe how long it is! Right now, it sits at approximately 500 pages. Phew! I didn’t know I had so much to say!  :)

Here is my plan:

1. Finish second round of edits
2. Send it out to Beta readers
3. Finish writing the prequel
4. Edit the prequel
5. Start writing the sequel

I think that I will accomplish 1, 2 and 3 during this month. Well, definitely 1 and 2 will be done and I will definitely continue working on the prequel.

But I am really glad that this is happening during Camp NaNo. I love watching my word count (or “edit count”) go up each day and it is a big motivator to keep going. My word count goal will start at 30,000. I think that's a good number. The great thing about Camp is that I can always adjust my writing/editing goal anytime I want throughout the month.

Are any of you participating in Camp this month? Good luck if you are!

Until next time ~

Monday, March 3, 2014


YES! You heard me! My first round of editing is done and I have to say… I think I wrote more than I took out!


How is that possible? I actually deleted pages of writing. Sigh… I did not plan on having a novel this large. How large, you ask? It’s 145,000 pages <ducking my head to avoid projectile missiles>. Yes, my book is a whopping 500 pages (or 498 to be precise). I don’t even want to think about that right now.

So, I’m going to return to my manuscript and plug away at Editing: Round 2. There has to be at least something I can cut, right? I hope so. I don’t think that those people with 100,000 word limits would be too happy to see my showing up with my behemoth in hand (well, maybe with a wagon).

I’m going back in… I’m jumping into the murky depths of the pages and hope to come back out victorious.

Send help if you don’t hear back from me…  glub, glub, glub.

Until next time ~