Monday, February 9, 2015

Excerpt from The Darkest Legacy: Betrayed

In pre-celebration of my upcoming release date, here is an excerpt of The Darkest Legacy: Betrayed:

I stared in horror at the grotesque figure standing in front of me. No… it couldn’t be. It just wasn’t possible.
The book I had grabbed off the bookcase dropped out of my hand and I gasped for breath as if someone had punched me in the gut. I tried to maintain eye contact with it… her… but oh, God! What the freakin’ frack was that thing?
The creature, or Fanny, was now altered back into her original form and stood right in front of me. She raised her arm and pointed a finger about six inches from my nose. I held my breath, waiting for whatever horrible thing she, it, was about to do to me.
“Don’t you ever disobey me again!”
I stared mutely at her, my eyes wide and my body still.
“Do you understand me?” she screamed out.
I couldn’t move and certainly no words would come out of my mouth.
“ANSWER ME!” the monstrous, gravel voice bellowed. Terrified, I watched as her face began to expand and she seemed to grow taller. A bloated finger jabbed at the air in front of my nose.
Oh my God! This was not happening. This was not real. I was in bed, having a terrible nightmare. I pinched myself–digging a nail deep into my skin–and cried out when I drew blood. I stared at the red mark and then at the Fanny monster in front of me. I still couldn’t say a word. My verbal abilities were gone and the creature’s anger increased the longer I stayed silent.
Fanny’s face turned into that unsightly combination of gray and cherry red. She reached her arms out and snatched me off the ground. I was elevated high in the air until we were eye to fiery eye and nose to bloated nose. Her breath reeked like a rotted carcass and I choked and coughed as the stench filled my nose and mouth. Stinging tears covered my eyes as I struggled helplessly in her grasp to find fresh, clean air.
She opened her mouth and a wave of her death air washed over me. She took one hand off my body but I remained suspended in the air as the other hand clamped down tighter on my rib cage. Her talon-like fingers grabbed my face and turned my head, forcing me to look at her.
I did not like what I saw.
Fanny had turned back into full monster mode. She had grown so tall that her head hit the high ceiling. I was like a toy in her clutches as I realized I was at least six feet off the ground. She opened her mouth and I gasped! Her teeth! There were so many! They were shaped like shark’s teeth and the jagged points glinted from the light in the secret room.
I lifted my legs up and kicked them out in the direction of her midsection. She deftly straightened out the arm that was holding me, elongated it and took a step backwards. When my legs fell helplessly back down, she grasped both of them in her free hand. My body was suddenly yanked forward as my legs were thrown behind her back. Straddling her deformed body, her arm tightened around my back, crushing me closer to her chest. My appalled face was now an inch from her monstrous, misshapen one. The wild beating of her heart thumped against my body as the stench of rotten flesh poured out of her gaping mouth.
I struggled to break free but I was squeezed closer and closer to her. My breath came out in short bursts. Any air that I could take in was clogged with Fanny’s foulness, causing manic coughing fits. Nausea took over and I hoped I would puke all over her… it… whatever this thing was. I had to get away from this nightmare. I would do anything, anything it asked me to do.

I hope you enjoyed the excerpt!

Betrayed will be released on February 13, only 4 days away!    :)

Title: The Darkest Legacy: Betrayed (Part Two)
Author: Jennifer Lynn Catz
Genre: YA Fantasy
Ages: 12 and up
Release date: February 13, 2015
Pages: 330

Content: Clean with mild curse words

Until next time ~ 

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