Friday, October 31, 2014

NaNoWriMo 2014!

So, NaNoWriMo 2014 is about to begin soon (in exactly 12 hours)!

I am definitely participating again this year I cant believe that this will be my third time participating in National Novel Writing Month. Who knew that I would actually have a completed novel and preparing to publish it two years later?  :) The Gods are actually smiling on us writers this year because November 1st and 30th fall on the weekends which gives more time to write.

This year, Im going to do something different. As in the past, I had Pantsed my NaNo novels but this year, I am jumping ship and swimming over toward the Planners. I will be working on my sequel novel (starting tomorrow) and I have many ideas and plans for it. As of right now, all of those ideas are still swimming around in my head but I will be making an informal outline this evening so that I can climb onto the Planning Ship and start banging out my 50K+ words.

Here are my writing goals for November:

1. To write everyday
2. Not to stress out if I dont hit my word count goal each day
3. To make an attempt not to be distracted by the internet and social media
4. Try to not use the delete button (although I do save what I delete and do count those deletions as part of my word count)!
5. To type more than 50,000 words of my story
6. To attempt to make a writing plan for each day (well see about that one)
7. Not to worry if I make detours from my Plan I do have Pantsing in my blood.  :)
8. To write like crazy from November 1-30!

How many of you are planning on participating in NaNoWriMo this year? If you are deciding to join in on the frenetic writing for the month of November, will you be a Pantser or a Planner? What are your November writing goals?

Until next time ~

Oh, P.S. Happy Halloween!!

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