Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12 Things to do Before 2012 Ends

~  12-12-12  ~ 
In honor of 12-12-12, I have created a list of 12 writing/computer things I want to do before that last second of 2012 flies into oblivion and hits the pages of the history books forever.

1. Finish writing my NaNoWriMo novel – December has been a tough month for writing. I needed some recuperation time from November writing spree, I was sick for a while, there were horrible tragedies and the, of course, there is/was the holiday season to get through.

2. Find a (great!) title – I chose a title for my book last month, but I'm not sure if I really like it. It just doesn't seem right and it seems as if it belongs on a different type of book. I'm still playing around with it but I hope to have more ideas once the book is finished.

3. One, two or three books – As I'm continuing my NaNo novel, I keep asking myself: Do I want this to be a standalone book? Do I want a sequel? Do I want a trilogy? Initially, this was just going to be a standalone book. It was pretty much cut and dry. But, as I started writing it, it looked like it was going to expand further than I had originally planned. I really don't want one book to be 500+ pages, for several reasons. So, I have to quickly make this decision so that I have a plan for 2013.

4. Donate to NaNo – For all the good National Novel Writing Month has done for me, I would like to do something to give back. I need to rummage underneath the sofa cushions, check the floorboards, fish around the bottom of my pocketbooks and keep my eyes peeled for loose change in the parking lots. I'm sure I can dig up enough change to earn that halo!

5. Keep blogging – I need to set up a better blogging schedule. I am so envious of the people that are able to blog three or more days a week. That is some dedication, let me tell ya. I think between one and two times a week would be a good start for me. I can work my way up to three and join the big leagues next year.

6. Learn how to use Twitter – I think I am getting a little better at doing this, though I still don't have everything down to a science. What is up with those hashtags? Do people just make them up? How do people find the hashtags that you created? How many are you even supposed to use in one tweet? I read that two or three are a good amount and should be no more than that. I just read a tweet that had ten hashtags! TEN!! Is that allowed? Isn't that overkill?

7. Update my Facebook pages – I've been cheating on this one. I've been using my Twitter account to update my Facebook page. I know, I know, I actually need to post real things on FB. I will really try harder on this one.

8. Internet? What internet? – I have this nasty habit of checking the internet way too often for book details. This isn't necessarily a bad idea, one thing usually leads to another and I wind up looking at a huge laundry list of things when I should be getting back to my writing. Why do people make their information sound so damn interesting so that you just can't help yourself? You just have to click on that one headline, which leads to a different headline, which leads to a completely different idea on the same topic and then some. Ugh! Internet, you are going to be the death of me!

9. STOP PROCRASTINATING!! – Well, this is just too obvious and it certainly needs to follow numbers five, six, seven and eight. Get off the freakin' internet and WRITE!

10. Do not automatically write on the internet – I have lost many blogs, book reviews and comments by writing these things solely on internet pages. Why I keep doing this, I'll never know. I need to put reminders on sticky notes and place them on my computer: Open a Word document first and then write your blog, review, comment, etc. first! Upload to proper webpage second. I only thought of this because my blog is freezing up as I write this, which means I’m probably going to lose this blog. Time to open that Word doc…

11. Get off my butt – I know, I know… the saying is “Butt in chair,” but “butt in chair” leads to several things: a) an overweight writer, b) a cramped writer, c) a writer with horrible back, butt and leg pain from sitting too long, and d) a writer that continuously stares at the same four walls, same computer screen, same objects in a room leads to a writer with limited imagination and limited characterization. I need to get off my butt and explore my surroundings!

12. Enjoy the last days of 2012 Work, after all, is just work. I definitely need to make time for just myself and to enjoy what life has to offer. My last goal is to do something new; whether is be making a new friend, finding a writing buddy or a critique partner, discovering a new place, generating new ideas or anything else. Because what is life if I’m not learning from what it has to offer and if I’m not enjoying what I’ve been given? I hope to carry this goal into 2013 and learn how to make the most out of my life in every way possible.  :) 

Until next time ~   


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