Sunday, May 4, 2014

To Beta Read or Not to Beta Read...

So, how’s it going? 

I’m anxious and excited at the same time. I’m excited because I have a finished manuscript and I have sent it out to a tiny portion of the world. The Beta readers still have my book and while I have gotten some feedback, I am anxious because the majority of them haven’t said one word about it. Not one word. Ugh!

Do I take that as a bad sign (that they hate it and don’t want to tell me)? Did they get bored and stop reading it? Did the length scare them off? It's actually double-spaced so it’s not as scary as I thought. Are they too busy to read it? Did they read it and not know how to critique it? I want to ask them all of the above but I want to give them time and not feel rushed.

Is there anyone out there who is willing to take a look at it, really read it and give it an honest critique in a timely manner? Yes, when I mean honest, I mean HONEST. Don’t hold back: if it stinks, tell me. If parts need to be chopped out, tell me. If scenes need to be rewritten, tell me. If it’s too over-the-top, tell me. If parts don’t make sense, tell me. If… well, you get my point. I can take it. All I ask is that you don’t be rude and offensive in your critique. Otherwise, tear it apart or shred it if you have to. But, on the other hand, if you really like something, don’t be afraid to tell me!  :)

I also think I should get a teen’s perspective (or two) on my book. Are there any teens out there who want to do a Beta read and critique the book? First come, first served!  :)

I’ll be posting an excerpt on my blog soon so keep checking under the My Writing tab for your first sneak peak of my novel.

In the meantime, I will go back to rereading/partial editing/writing the prequel novel and try to focus my energy on something constructive while I wait the Beta readers to get back to me.

Patience can be a maddening virtue.   :)

Until next time ~ 

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